Weekly Vlog: Eclipse portal feelings and visiting a Portland coffee shop ☕🌲
This week on the vlog I’m sharing a pretty normal week in my life as a virtual assistant. Because this was mostly a work-from-home vlog, much of the content was me just sharing a lot of the things I’m currently feeling.
If you didn’t know, this past week we went through the second half of an eclipse portal, and well — it brought a lot of feelings!
I also shared a bit about a new podcast endeavor I have with my dear friend Alexis called Coffee & Cosmos. You can listen to it anywhere you listen to podcasts, check out this link for the Coffee & Cosmos podcast navigation page for your listening! We release an episode each week and the intention is that you would learn something new as well as receive timely advice for navigating your own astrology chart.
At the end of the week I celebrated my first YouTube vlog being live. I seriously can’t thank you all enough for the lovely comments and encouragement you left me! It means the world to me! And for everyone who subscribed, I love you, I love you, I love you!!!
This week was lowkey with the only place I visited for the vlog being the Eastside Coffee Bar and Workspace in Portland… on the east side. 😉
Here’s some YouTube playlist recommendations for you like I mentioned in the vlog. I love putting these on in the background (usually on my tv via the YouTube app!) while I work / read / paint / clean. There’s so many different styles. I prefer the ones that are not monetized just because no one wants a commercial every few minutes when you’re trying to stay focused on other things.
Check out these YouTube playlists:
a playlist for romanticizing living in the french countryside; light academia: https://youtu.be/KkqtUjAi8OQ?si=C0lzhC0rVKrp36Ek
Studying with poets long gone - A DARK ACADEMIA PLAYLIST (classical): https://youtu.be/4JSExXm-eBE?si=fYWCZ7uZjvbW4J0t
Calm Fantasy Medieval Night Ambience | Crackling Fire, Crickets, Owl Sounds, Calming Nature Sounds: https://youtu.be/u3TnmAB693M?si=xboR5V2tDwRDPBrX
Once you watch a few YouTube will recommend so many others to you! 🙂
Be sure to tune in to next week’s vlog, I’m going to share my big summer of adventure news! 🥳☀️🚲✨