So I started a YouTube channel
*Surprise* *Surprise*
Welcome to the first installment of “Sheri starts a YouTube channel”!
I’m really excited (+nervous!) to share this adventure with you.
You may or may not know that for the past 6 months at least I have been outright OBSESSED with YouTube vlogs. Cannot. Get. Enough. It started with Jonna Jinton and falling in love with her sweet Nordic life. Then I discovered cari cakes and what else can I say about Cari except I want to be her best friend and also I never felt inspired to travel to Seoul before I started binging her vlogs.
Now I have a handful of other vloggers I’m following and it’s opened a whole new world to me…. I didn’t even think I’d ever use YouTube in this way, as a way to consume content and learn new things. It’s not all vlogs, I do have a fair share (read: A LOT) of ambient playlists on YouTube now too.
For at least 5 years now I’ve lamented the fact that when I drove cross country with my kitty Nila (Nye-La) that I didn’t take more videos. At the time photos were the primary way we were sharing content and so that’s what I did. I don’t live with many regrets, but if I could go back in time this is for sure something I’d do.
I’ve decided that there’s no time like the present. I can keep wishing away the days saying, “I wish I started sooner” or I can actually just freaking start. I’m tired of sitting on the sidelines while everyone else gets to have all the fun! There’s many things I hope to share with you through vlogging and I’ll share all those details with you in the vlogs to come.
The essence is to capture the magic in the mundane and to alchemize it into art so that you begin to notice your own mundane magic. The every day moments are full of them if you’re open to it. Of course, there will also be adventures near and far, shared fangirl experiences, and general life stuff too. I hope to inspire you to do, go and be the best version of yourself and life that you can — fears be damned.
We only get one precious life and I am happy to stand on the soapbox for all of us preaching about how it’s too short to not spend it doing things you love. Often I’m preaching to myself as well, knowing that these messages are often the fire I need to jump with faith into my next great adventure. [Insert starting a YouTube Vlog 😉!]
So if you’re curious, excited, or looking for some company in the background of your days, subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can be the first to get notified when my first video goes live — and you can help me hit one of my first milestone goals — have 50 subscribers! It feels a bit like a pipe dream but also small enough that it is totally possible. Thank you to the 7 mysterious people who already follow me. I can’t see who you are but I love that you’re here.
I’d love it if you were a founding subscriber to my channel. If nothing else, that scores you some majorrrrr bragging rights when I collect my shiny YouTube plaque.
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!! 🥳🥳🥳