Weekly vlog: Record Store Day in Portland, visiting a favorite PDX coffee shop, and big emotions about moving ☕💿📦🚗
I love a good RSD and this year RSD in Portland did NOT disappoint!
For this years Record Store Day I visited the shop that I used to live across the street from. It’s gotten wayyyy cooler since I left and that fact alone is enough to make me want to move back to be closer to the shop.
It was so fun to head to St. Johns early and visit *one of* my favorite coffee shops in Portland. If you’re a Hanson fan/friend then you will recognize one special t-shirt from the Red Green Blue tour. It’s been two years and I still can’t believe that magic happened. I don’t think I’ll ever not marvel at that fact. That whole trip was an absolute dream that I miss every single day of my life.
Of course, life isn’t all fun and adventures, I still have very real life stuff happening here. Preparing to move and about ten thousand other steps — is really exhausting and overwhelming this week.
I will say as of writing this I’m feeling heaps better, truly that Scorpio full moon was no joke. However, everything I shared about my worries driving cross country and all those little things weighing on me are still very much true, no matter what phase the moon is in today.
It’s a lot to navigate on your own without also having to field a million questions and emotions from others. I’m trying my best and this time around I’m setting boundaries. It may look different than years past but since it’s my place — I make the rules.
I do appreciate everyone giving me grace during this time, I know I’m verrrrrrry slow on responding to texts and calls. Honestly, I said it last week on Instagram, but if you don’t expect too much from me you might not be let down. 😉
So many good and wonderful things are just around the corner, I just know it’s true. As of writing this we have 14 days left in this apartment and holy heck that’s terrifying. I was blessed this week to discover that my apartment has already been rented — a fact I learned when the new tenant had my wifi canceled and then new equipment sent to my apartment, for themselves. 🙃
Mercury Retrograde just could not go out without a *bang* amiright?
I hope you enjoy this week’s vlog! I think I’m getting a little better at editing and learning some fun new tricks. I thinkkkkk I’ve also solved the volume control issue, but it’s a pain and I’m not fully confident it worked, but thanks for hanging with me.
Have any questions about my upcoming move? Let me know!
Want to hear about my upcoming Summer of Adventure plans and why I’m moving? You can watch here: https://youtu.be/ZJNXm1PspHA
Places I visited in Portland:
Vinyl Resting Place: https://g.co/kgs/Wx8WmsM // https://www.instagram.com/vrp_pdx/
2 Stroke Coffee: https://g.co/kgs/3ZwgLvG // https://www.instagram.com/twostrokecoffeeco/